Thank you for booking with Loganair
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Please familiarise yourself with our simple steps to healthy flying
The welfare of our customers and crew is our priority, that's why we ask you to follow some small simple steps to prevent Covid-19 joining us on our journey together.
The measures put in place are aligned with EASA and DFT guidelines and considered to be those which are most practical to follow when travelling with us, whilst also ensuring maximum protection for our customers. It's important you familiarise yourself with these measures before travelling.
Before your flight, you must regularly check our advice and that of the airports you'll visit on your journey.

Are you part of our Clan?
Our Customer Reward programme is as beautifully simple as 1, 2, 3.
- Fly regularly with us
- Be rewarded with points per flight
- Turn your points into flights
You might be very familiar with some of our routes. Now, with Clan Reward Flights you can transform familiar into unfamiliar or even unbelievable! Visit glorious Hebridean islands, the Channel Islands, Bergen in Norway or the Norfolk Broads – our destinations include some pretty romantic, remarkable places. It all points to your sense of adventure – join the Clan and join us on the journey of a lifetime.