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Travel from London

Everything you’ve been told it is, and more

What more is there to say about one of the planet’s most exciting cities, other than you really must go there? History, art, music, theatre, architecture, monuments, fashion, shopping, pomp and circumstance, pageantry, cuisine, sport … it’s all here, and the quality is as fabulous as the setting.

In such a big, busy city, with so many sights to see, it’s often best to start with an open-top bus tour, to quickly scout out the more iconic landmarks and attractions. For families, London is outstandingly entertaining, from the modern Coca-Cola London Eye’s immense wheel (sunset is a favourite time for views), to the Tower of London’s historic tales, Westminster Abbey, Camden Market, Covent Garden and tours galore.

Children adore fun attractions...

Children adore fun attractions such as the Warner Bros Studio Tour, Madame Tussauds waxworks, London Dungeons and the Harry Potter walking tour. And never forget the simple joy of a stroll in a London park, such as St James’s, close to Buckingham Palace.

Museums and art galleries your thing? The British Museum, the Victoria & Albert, the National Portrait Gallery and Tate Modern are just four of many that can spellbindingly reward a visit – for free. At night, take in a headliner gig, or see a show in the legendary West End – you’ll find musicals, drama and comedy aplenty. Or take in The Globe Theatre, for the original Shakespearean experience. If you’re feeling peckish by now, there’s no lack of places to eat, from fast food to haute cuisine – one establishment with a difference is the restaurant 800 feet up at the top of The Shard’s gleaming pinnacle.

What's in London?

The London Eye, The Tower of London, The Globe Theatre, Madame Tussaud’s … oh, just about everything.

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